From ok to Awesome

Last week we launched the From ok to Awesome Campaign. This campaign was created for a team of 17 hard-working, dedicated, energetic perfectionists. These qualities make them very good at what they do, these qualities also ended up making our job (setting the standard for what is awesome) slightly more challenging.
With the team being so intimate we decided to create a campaign which focused on personalised experience. What this meant was 17 customised invites, name tags, gift boxes and avatars. We realised that creating 17 different designs for each deliverable would be more costly and time consuming then creating a generic design for all, however, we have seen the benefit of personalised marketing and branding campaigns, and we knew the cost would pay off.

Take Coca-Cola’s #shareacoke campaign, for example, this campaign replaced its usual branding with 150 popular names, personalising individual bottles. Nutella Spread ran a similar campaign called #Your Nutella. In this campaign selected stores carried a labelling device which allowed them to reprint a name onto the label on site.

With these personalised campaigns being so greatly received, we decided to implement similar tactics to communicate internally. Instead of having the usual one-fits-all designs, the From ok to Awesome campaign showcased the importance of having different personalities and preferences within a business.

 The reception was wonderful – the team loved it- their individual name tags and personal avatars which materialised into buttons and mug designs, brought about a great deal of self-awareness and self-assurance. They compared characters and laughed at the accuracy of the depictions.


This campaign launch did what it set out to do: we have the team’s attention, they are alert and happy and ready to work. Now we need to keep the momentum going. Moving forward the camping will be focused around the From ok to Awesome game. This game involves each individual and their personalised avatars advancing around a giant editable game board, winning “Awesome” points and prizes .
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Gamification has become a popular tool used by managers to keep employees motivated. It has the potential to encourage innovation and increase employee satisfaction. It is therefore the perfect tool to persuade the team to Do, Think and Be Awesome.
All in all, it turned out to be a successful launch to a campaign which will eventually take what is ok and make it AWESOME.